Major funding bodies supporting our research
Swedish Research Council
The Swedish Research Council is the largest provider of public funds for Swedish basic research at Swedish higher education institutions and research institutes. The projects it supports are mainly initiated by the researchers themselves. The support is distributed by the Scientific Councils and the Committees for Educational Science and Research Infrastructures to research that is of the highest scientific quality and best promotes the renewal of research.
Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s
Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s (ASAP) is a disease-focused, basic research program that will address key knowledge gaps to accelerate the pace of discovery for PD. ASAP was incubated at the Milken Institute Center for Strategic Philanthropy with support from the Sergey Brin Family Foundation.
The Collaborative Center for X-Linked Dystonia-Parkinsonism (Massachusetts General Hospital) is an international consortium of scientists, physicians and advocates working to advance research and clinical care for people with XDP. Since 2014, CCXDP has supported groundbreaking new studies of XDP at institutions throughout the world.
Patricia Gerdes is receiving funding through MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships, Project 101105804 — brainTEaser, 2023 - 2025.
The Swedish Cancer Society is an independent non-profit organisation. Their main task is to raise and distribute money for cancer research. As the principal financier of cancer research in Sweden, the Swedish Cancer Society essentially acts as a national research council. Thanks to far-reaching knowledge about cancer in the organisation’s network, the Swedish Cancer Society is also active in areas such as information and forming opinion. The Swedish Cancer Society was founded in 1951 to support cancer research since government subsidies were – and remain – only modest. Today the Society plays an active role in research-funding, fundraising, providing information, knowledge dissemination and in forming opinion.
The Parkinson Foundation (Parkinsonfonden) organizes and funds Parkinson's-related research initiatives. The Foundation is dedicated to support clinical research for understanding of the brain and how Parkinson’s disease affects it and for development of a cure for Parkinson's disease.The Research Foundation of the Swedish Parkinson’s Disease Association is under the patronage of Her Majesty Queen Silvia.
Hjärnfonden (Brain Foundation) awards scholarships and grants to researchers and research groups to enable or enhance important research. Brain Foundation also works to increase knowledge about the brain and its diseases, injuries and disabilities in the general public through information, seminars and lectures.
Brain Foundation's scientific board ensures that the researchers who receive their funding grants or scholarships belong to the Swedish researchers' elite. The scientific board is composed of about twenty of the nation's leading neuroscience experts.
Barncancerfonden (Swedish Childhood Cancer Foundation)
Each year some 300 families in Sweden experience the unimaginable - a child receiving a diagnosis of cancer. Barncancerfonden are working to make life easier for these families.
The foundation's primary mission is to fund research and education in children's cancer, with the vision to eradicate childhood cancer.
The foundation's core values are:
Hope - to spread hope with each other and the environment;
Courage - to show courage by seeing the reality as it is;
Responsibility - to take responsibility for children and families.
Olle Engkvists Stiftelse
The foundation's main goals are to support:
- care of or raising of children
- care of needy elderly and sick
- scientific research
We are also grateful for the support from the following foundations:
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research
The Jeansson Foundation
The Crafoord Foundation
The Kock Foundation
The Magnus Bergvall Foundation
The Segerfalk Foundation
The Åke Wibergs Foundation
The Märtha Lundqvists Foundation
The Thelma Zoégas Foundation for Medical Research
Stiftelsen Lars Hiertas Minne